Welcome to Zounds!
This is a page of random thoughts, quotes, interesting objects and images
and links to other people's sites. Zounds! will always be under construction as cool things come and go...
Take a minute to look & click around and please, send me stuff that you think is nifty!

"Taedet caeli convexa tueri"
It becomes dispiriting constantly to watch
the arch of heaven. Virgil, Aeneid.
Great stuff to cool down to...

Peter Pan: Do you want an adventure now...
or would you like your tea first?
Wendy: Tea first, quickly!
Audrey Hepburn 1965

A visitor to Niels Bohr's country cottage asked him about a horseshoe nailed
above the front door. "Surely Professor Bohr", the guest asserted, "You do not really believe
that a horseshoe above the entrance to a home brings good luck?" "No," answered Bohr, "I certainly
do not believe in this superstition. But you know," he added, "they say it brings good luck even
if you don't believe in it."


Christopher S. Jones: fantasma@shell1.wli.net